BFRB Services

While I enjoy working with folks experiencing a wide variety of issues (see general tab for more details), I do want to name that I have lived experience with trichotillomania and have specific training in treating body focused repetitive behavioral disorders (BFRBs). I completed the Trichotillomania Learning Centers Virtual Professional Training Institute. I work with folks who experience any and/or all of the BFRBs, such as, hair pulling and/or skin picking.

I started pulling my hair out when I was 14 and it was an isolating and lonely experience. As an adult, therapy helped me a lot and it is something I wish I had access to when I was younger. It is never too late to get help.

I work with children, teenagers and adults who experience a BFRB. I also work with parents and/or caregivers who do not experience a BFRB, but are seeking support with a loved ones diagnosis.